Community Music Groups

Find out how this licence fee was set:

C1.2 Tariff Live Music Performances Making recordings of performances/recordings for rehearsal Use of sound recordings
  Formulation Flat rate Per screen, per quarter Flat rate
(i) Processes/methodologies APRA AMCOS worked with Music Council of Australia in 2014-16 to formulate scheme. Feedback from the sector received in 2019.

Licensing arrangements were discussed at Music Australia Summit for Community Music Groups held in August 2015 and March 2016.
APRA AMCOS worked with Music Council of Australia in 2014-16 to formulate scheme. Feedback from the sector received in 2019.

Licensing arrangements were discussed at Music Australia Summit for Community Music Groups held in August 2015 and March 2016.
APRA AMCOS worked with Music Council of Australia in 2014-16 to formulate scheme. Feedback from the sector received in 2019.
Licensing arrangements were discussed at Music Australia Summit for Community Music Groups held in August 2015 and March 2016.
Underlying data used Survey made available to 2,300 groups. 13% responded.

APRA generally uses a mix of relevant data sources to determine licence rates and impact on a particular business. This includes common sources of music, shifts in demand and changes in technology.
Survey made available to 2,300 groups. 13% responded.

APRA generally uses a mix of relevant data sources to determine licence rates and impact on a particular business. This includes common sources of music, shifts in demand and changes in technology
Survey made available to 2,300 groups. 13% responded.

APRA generally uses a mix of relevant data sources to determine licence rates and impact on a particular business. This includes common sources of music, shifts in demand and changes in technology.
Summary of Analyses/Evaluations None None None
(ii) Tribunal Decisions No No No
(iii) Use of ACCC Guidelines: Hypothetical Bargain No No No
Use of ACCC Guidelines: Survey Evidence Survey made available to 2,300 groups. 13% responded. Survey made available to 2,300 groups. 13% responded. Survey made available to 2,300 groups. 13% responded.
Use of ACCC Guidelines: Benchmarks Rates comparable to existing rates under the APRA AMCOS community music group licence prior to the launch of OneMusic.

Regard was also had to rates under the previous PPCA live performance group scheme prior to the launch of OneMusic.
Rates comparable to existing rates under the APRA AMCOS community music group licence prior to the launch of OneMusic.

Regard was also had to rates under the previous PPCA live performance group scheme prior to the launch of OneMusic.
Rates comparable to existing rates under the APRA AMCOS community music group licence prior to the launch of OneMusic.

Regard was also had to rates under the previous PPCA live performance group scheme prior to the launch of OneMusic.
(iv) Direct Licensing APRA: Yes
AMCOS: Yes for recordings, specific mandate for print.
AMCOS: Yes for recordings, specific mandate for print.
AMCOS: Yes for recordings, specific mandate for print.
(v) Other Matters No No No