Dance & Performance Instructors and Dance Schools

Find out how this licence fee was set:

C1.2 Tariff Music in dance classes Dance school events Audio/Video recording package
  Formulation Per class Per event Per student
(i) Processes/methodologies Consultation throughout 2017-2018 to dance school licensees and peak bodies. Consultation throughout 2017-2018 to dance school licensees and peak bodies. Consultation throughout 2017-2018 to dance school licensees and peak bodies..
Underlying data used Information from a representative sample of dance schools.

APRA generally uses a mix of relevant data sources to determine licence rates and impact on a particular business. This includes common sources of music, shifts in demand and changes in technology.
APRA generally uses a mix of relevant data sources to determine licence rates and impact on a particular business. This includes common sources of music, shifts in demand and changes in technology. APRA generally uses a mix of relevant data sources to determine licence rates and impact on a particular business. This includes common sources of music, shifts in demand and changes in technology.
Summary of Analyses/Evaluations Information used to reverse engineer class rates that would produce the same scheme-wide total licence fees. None No
(ii) Tribunal Decisions No No No
(iii) Use of ACCC Guidelines: Hypothetical Bargain No No No
Use of ACCC Guidelines: Survey Evidence Information from a representative sample of dance schools No No
Use of ACCC Guidelines: Benchmarks Previous dance school rates Previous APRA live performance rate and previous PPCA rate for Live Performance Groups and Dance Companies. Proposed rate was a continuation of the AMCOS/ARIA rate subject to ongoing CPI adjustment.
(iv) Direct Licensing Yes (opt out and license back is available). Partial rights deduction is available where licensee is not using either APRA AMCOS works or PPCA sound recordings. Yes (opt out and license back is available). Partial rights deduction is available where licensee is not using either APRA AMCOS works or PPCA sound recordings. Yes (opt out and license back is available). Partial rights deduction is available where licensee is not using either APRA AMCOS works or PPCA sound recordings.
(v) Other Matters Rates have been in place since at least 1990 (plus CPI). No Original AMCOS/ARIA Dance School rate introduced in first half of 1990s (plus CPI).