Eisteddfodau & Competitions

Find out how this licence fee was set:

C1.2 Tariff Music for Eisteddfodau
  Formulation Per entry
(i) Processes/methodologies Consultation in 2017 with Association of Eisteddfod Societies Australia (AESA) and then 2018 with AESA and Eisteddfod Organisers Australia (EOA).
Underlying data used 2018 review of rates included consideration of data from 2017.

APRA generally uses a mix of relevant data sources to determine licence rates and impact on a particular business. This includes common sources of music, shifts in demand and changes in technology.
Summary of Analyses/Evaluations None
(ii) Tribunal Decisions No
(iii) Use of ACCC Guidelines: Hypothetical Bargain No
Use of ACCC Guidelines: Survey Evidence No
Use of ACCC Guidelines: Benchmarks No
(iv) Direct Licensing Yes.
(v) Other Matters No