OneMusic Dance Consultation Outcome

We thank the dance sector for providing input on the proposed changes to OneMusic’s Dance and Performance Instructors and Dance Schools licence. Over the 14-week consultation period, 43 submissions were received, the vast majority in support of these proposed changes.

We confirm that the Dance and Performance Instructors and Dance Schools licence will be revised to reflect all proposed changes. The revised licence will be available to all eligible licensees for licensing periods commencing on or after 1 October 2024.

A summary of the changes are:

  • The move from a per-location rate for Music in Dance Classes to a rate based on an average weekly number of dance classes across all locations;
  • An additional nine (9) Music in Dance Classes pricing tiers for businesses with more than 80 weekly classes;
  • An additional three (3) pricing tiers for businesses hosting more than 1 Dance School Event per year;
  • An increase of $20 in the entry fee threshold for Dance School Events from $40 up to $60;
  • Improvements to the Video Recording Package to allow, in certain circumstances, a dance school to only obtain this coverage when not using a professional videographer; and
  • No additional charge for use of music on a dance school’s website (Website Use), which will now be added to the Music in Dance Classes coverage;

What's next?

If you currently have coverage for more than 80 dance classes per year or have multiple locations, your licence will automatically rollover to the new rates and rate structure on your licence anniversary date, provided that rollover is on or after 1 October 2024.

If you currently have coverage for unlimited dance events or the Video Recording Package, we will ask you for additional information prior to the anniversary of your OneMusic licence. This is so we can properly apply the new rates and rates structures.

In the second half of 2024, we are also implementing a new Customer Relationship Management system that will introduce monthly invoicing, a change in the payment methods we offer and a new and improved customer ecommerce website.  We will contact you separately prior to the anniversary of your OneMusic licence so that you can update your invoicing and payment preferences.

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